If you watch TV or listen to radio, you’ve seen scores of ads for jobs that promise the moon and the stars (financially, that is) by working from the comfort of your home. And, while there are legitimate jobs that allow you to make money from home, you should be extremely careful before answering – and most certainly sending money – in response to one of these ads.
Many of these make money at home ‘offers’ are, at best, a waste of any money you send. One of the most common ‘offers’ is the envelope-stuffing job. One reporter, investigating their legitimacy, purchased 12 such envelope stuffing kits (all claiming potential earnings of $1,500 per week with little effort). Each kit, costing between $20 and $50 apiece, basically directed the purchaser of the kit to recruit others to stuff envelopes for them. Ultimately, the reporter was unable to make any money from any the 12 starter kits purchased.
As noted, there are legitimate jobs that allow you to make money from home. Nevertheless, according to research conducted by Christine Durst, author of "The Rat Race Rebellion," the ratio of apparently worthless ‘offers’ to legitimate opportunities in the home job arena is 42:1.
However, if you are serious and motivated in your desire to find a legitimate work at home business, following are some hints that can at least increase your possibility of success:
--Before you make any payment (either by giving your credit card number or mailing a check) be certain you actually speak to a live person over the phone (rather than just reading a brochure) who answers all the questions you have.
--Be sure to include as part of your questioning, questions about potential problems and difficulties you’ll face with the work at home ‘program’ you’re considering.
--Ask to be referred to people who have worked for (and been successful with) the work at home system you’re thinking of purchasing. And, if you do get such referrals, be certain to contact and talk to these people.
--Ask about refund policies (for any monies you expend). and specifically what steps you’d have to go take to get a refund. (This is especially true if you’re buying a "starter kit" or "information packet" online.)
--Try to see if any specific complaints have been lodged against the company and/or specific home sales product you’re thinking of buying. Start by contacting these two Better Business Bureau sites: http://welcome.bbb.org and www.bbbonline.org
-- Don’t reveal ANY information (other than your credit card or bank account number, if and when you decide to purchase the product/program). Note that you’re better off making payments with a credit card, since they offer you greater protection if the product/program isn’t legit and you decide to seek a refund.
--DO NOT ASSUME a product/program has greater legitimacy because of where its being advertised (i.e. just because the advertisement is on a website you respect, don’t assume this adds any credence to its legitimacy. Rather, as always, do your homework and be very cautious; as the saying goes: caveat emptor).
Following are two sites mentioned on “The Money Show” that are a good place to start your search. HOWEVER, ONCE AGAIN, IT CANNOT BE STRESSED ENOUGH how important it is that you take ALL of the precautions listed above before buying into ANY ‘work-at-home’ business.
--www.ftc.gov (then type in “work at home” in the search section. Note – this site includes potential work-at-home opportunities, as well as a number of articles on the potential dangers and pitfalls of such programs)